
Tile matrix set definition for Lambert72, expressed in Lambert72 The tile matrix composing the set are reported in the following table.

Tile matrix Id Scale denominator Top left Corner Tile Width Tile Height Matrix Width Matrix Height
Lambert72:0 1,000,000 0 286,720 256 256 4 4
Lambert72:1 500,000 0 286,720 256 256 8 8
Lambert72:2 250,000 0 286,720 256 256 16 16
Lambert72:3 150,000 0 290,304 256 256 27 27
Lambert72:4 100,000 0 286,720 256 256 40 40
Lambert72:5 50,000 0 286,720 256 256 80 80
Lambert72:6 35,000 0 288,512 256 256 115 115
Lambert72:7 20,000 0 286,720 256 256 200 200